Watch The Tree of Life online stream free (2011)

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The concept of a tree of life as a many-branched tree illustrating the idea that all life on earth is related has been used in science, religion,philosophy, mythology, and other areas. A tree of life is variously;
1.a motif in various world theologies, mythologies, and philosophies;
2.a metaphor for the livelihood of the spirit.
3.a mystical concept alluding to the interconnectedness of all life on our planet; and
4.a metaphor for common descent in the evolutionary sense.
for more information about the tree of life click here 

Genre : Drama | Fantasy
Release : may 2011
Description :
The story centers around a family with three boys in the 1950s. The eldest son witnesses the loss of innocence.

Director: Terrence Malick
Writer: Terrence Malick
Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain

watch the tree of life online - trailer 2011

Posted in , , , ,  on 10:43:00 PM by movizblog   
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